Tuesday 4 June 2013

Why is there suffering?

Of all the evil that causes suffering in this world, what is the one thing you would always stand up and fight against?

I will always stand up for what I believe is right. I will stand up for bulling and poverty. Bulling affects many children and in bad situations it can lead to death. Poverty affects thousands of people who are less fortunate then some people.

Poverty exists as some countries were not as fast developing as Europe so they now do not have as much money as the rest of the world. This can be stopped if everyone just donated some money. It is an easy and effective option for everyone.

Bulling exists as some people do not feel good about them or are jealous of other people. Bulling can be stopped if people just stand up for themselves and other people. This may not be easy for some people but if everyone stands up then bulling wouldn't exist.

The biggest problem is poverty, however God cannot just give people money. The world cannot function properly if suddenly hundreds of thousands of people get a million dollars. God cannot fix the problem of poverty however we can. 

Y Chart


Good looks like:
Help, Honesty, Respect, Friendliness, Favors, Doing the right thing by others, kindness.
Good feels like:
Happiness, Achievement, Feels good for doing the right thing

Good sounds like:
'Thank you', Happiness, Enjoyment


Evil looks like:
Dishonest, Theft, Murder, kidnap, Assault

Evil feels like:
Guilt, Pain, Worries, Concern, Suffering, Doubt

Evil sounds like:
Screams, Gunshots, Lies, Suffering


Truth looks like:
Honesty, Respect

Truth feels like:
Happiness, Friendship, Feels good

Truth sounds like:


Beauty looks like:
Serenity, Peace, Calm

Beauty feels like:
Happiness, Enjoyment, Peaceful

Beauty sounds like:
Waterfalls, Nature, Birds

Virtue and Vice

The Seven Deadly Sins

1. Pride is at work when we are unable to celebrate another‘s good fortune or find it hard to face our own imperfections. National pride in excess leads to racism, terrorism and even genocide

Example: In just three months, an estimated 800000 people were massacred in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 when the Hutu tribe began killing the Tutsi tribe.
2. Envy serves as the basis for our consumerist society – we buy because we want more in order to be satisfied. Envy means never being happy with what you have

 Example: Someone is envious because someone else has something they don't. This can lead to stealing.

3. Gluttony is self-absorption and the inability to recognise the needs of others. Destroying and polluting the environment for economic gain, economic policy that keeps the majority of the wealth in the hands of the few whilst millions are in poverty and increasing levels of obesity are all evidence of gluttony

Example: Destroying forests to sell paper and wood. This is not  a sustainable thing to do and can end up killing many animals.

4. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. It may lead to extra marital affairs, sexual abuse or rape. However it is not just sexual sin. Gollum in Lord of the Rings has an inordinate craving for the ring and its powers

Example: Being married to someone while dating someone else. This can lead to depression and violence with both people.

5. Anger, when it is arises from inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and fury can lead to crimes such as assault, murder and acts of vengeance. Anger when it is appropriately expressed can be a force for change – it is how we express it that may cause problems

Example: Someone who is stressed and frustrated at most things. This can lead to violence.

6. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. Amassing large amounts of wealth, land, and resources with a disregard for how this leads to less being available for others characterises greed

Example: Having lots of money and not donating it to a good cause.

7. Slothfulness is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work including not acting when one should. Allowing bullying to occur and not acting to do something about it is an example of the vice of slothfulness

Example: Letting bullying occur. This can lower someone’s self-esteem and make them feel unsafe.

The Seven Virtues

The Theological Virtues: (Faith, Hope, and Love/charity)

1.     Faith is concerned about things revealed by God which exceed the ability of human reason to grasp.

Example: Someone who prays and goes to church often.

2. Hope looks expectantly to the future. Through the virtue of hope, a person awaits the fulfilment of the promises of God

Example: Someone who is hopeful about most things. This means that they will be very positive.

3. Charity is the love of God in the form of human friendship

Example: Donating to charities and helping people that are not very fortunate.

The Cardinal Virtues

1. Prudence makes it possible for people to choose that act which here and now best helps them to move in the direction of their final end. The entire process of prudence has its source in understanding

Example: Someone who is determined to do well in life and be able to enjoy life. This means that they would have almost no reason to commit a crime.

2. Justice is the virtue that perfects the will. It regulates the voluntary actions when people relate to each other

Justice is important for everyone. If people have a good sense of justice people would not commit crimes.

3. Fortitude is a virtue that implies a certain firmness of mind, which is necessary for the practice of any of the virtues. It enables us to curb our fears and to moderate our daring

Fortitude is important as it is important to learn this to practice of the other virtues and can lead to less crime.

4. Temperance is principally, but not solely, concerned with the pleasures of food and drink and about sexual pleasures

This is important as it can lead to less sexual crimes in the world.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

How do I know what is Good and Evil

I know what is good and evil because of a couple of reasons. One is through my instincts. I can tell what is right by thinking about it. Another way is through the law. The law is a rough guideline to what is right and wrong. It tells people what not to do. I can tell who is evil by what they say. If they swear or make racist or offensive jokes it is likely that they are evil. People who act suspiciously around people are also likely to be evil. People who ask strange questions could also be evil.

Sorry Jesse's thumbs up classed my page as hacking.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Free Will and Determinism

If there is no free will then there would be no good and evil. The world would no longer have evil in it but with that comes a price. There would be no good. No one would be good. Our lives would have nothing interesting in them. We would not be able to do anything. Decisions are what make us who we are; decisions are what shapes us; without decisions the human race would not advance and everything would about our society would be the same for the rest of eternity.

Moral and Conscience

A friend of yours, who is also a popular and well-known student, boasts to you that he/she has managed to steal a copy of the semester science exam. He/she is prepared to sell it to anyone for $10.00. This test has a 50% weighting on the overall result. What do you do? Would you buy a copy for yourself? Would you report the incident?

The issue in this situation is that my friend is selling an important test.

It is important because it will count towards 50% of my science mark.

My decision will affect my marks, my friends, my teachers and my parents

The choices I could make are report the incident, ignore the incident or buy a copy.

The likely consequences for each choice is reported would affect my relationships with my friends, ignored would affect no one and buying would affect my parents and my teachers.

My family would tell me to report the incident however some of my friends would tell me to buy a copy.

Jesus would tell me to report the incident.

Wise judgment, courage and justice apply to this as you have to judge the situation wisely and justly and you need to be courageous to report it the incident.

The church teaches me that doing the right thing is important and sinning is not a good option.

Therefore, the decision I would make is to report the incident.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Lion King Good + Evil

Lion King Questions

Who are the ‘good’ characters from the film?
The good characters in the Lion King is Simba, Mufassa, Sazu, Simoan, Kumba and Refekki.

Who are the ‘evil’ characters from the film?
The evil characters in this film is Scar, the Hyenias, and Ed.

What qualities help define Simba as a ‘good’ character? Explain some of his personality traits and things he does in the film that demonstrate his ‘goodness’.
Simba has many good qualities such as Bravery, Generosity. He is also Courteous and Respectful. Simba ends up saving the lions from stavration which is a good act.
What qualities help define Scar as an ‘evil’ character? Explain some of his personality traits and things he does in the film that demonstrate his ‘evilness’.
Scar is evil in many ways through trickery, violence, hatred and the fact that he has no respect for anyone. Scar tricks many people throught the film such as Simba and the other lions.
What is the ultimate evil act that Scar does? Why does he do this? What does this make you think or feel about his character?
Scars ultimate act of evil is killing Mufassa and making Simba believe that he is the one who killed Mufassa.
What do you think the overall moral or message of the film is? What is it trying to explain to us about life? How do these morals or messages relate to the themes of good and evil?
The moral message of this story is that Good will always preval over Evil. Another message is that evil is not sustainible.